Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cooks Anonymous

Hi, my name is Angela and I just figured out how to cook rice at age 40.

Yes, the simple "one cup rice, two cups water, simmer covered for 20 minutes, voila perfectly fluffy rice."  I just gained confidence in doing this.  I have no idea why I have feared cooking rice so long.  Fear of burning or crunchiness maybe.
I could never remember the ratios (I realize how stupid that sounds).  It's like I had rice dyslexia.  I own a rice cooker, but that always produces an overcooked layer on the bottom.  Deliciously crunchy but not what I want on a regular basis.
This is a dumb post ... but I am proud of the fact that I managed to cook a perfect pot of rice without looking up instructions.  I will now slink off in embarrassment.


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