Don't bother trying to post rebuttal. This post is an essay, not a conversation.
I am fascinated when I read the comments on articles about the Mormon church. It quickly becomes a discussion of how Joseph Smith was a fraud, physical proof shows something else, yada yada. So people should wonder why I, a reasonably intelligent person trained in science, would be a faithful, devoted Mormon. So here goes.
It is because when I was 17 I didn't know if the Book of Mormon was really true or if the Mormon church was right. So I got down on my knees and I prayed, as I had done many times before, but this time I received an overwhelming knowledge that it was true. I knew then, and I know now, because of personal revelation from God to me. Revelation that God knows who I am, loves me, cares about me and lets me know that the Book of Mormon is true.
For those of you who want to point out the evil actions of Joseph Smith or any other human being, or point out that the Mormon church has changed over time or that scientific evidence refutes Joseph Smith's interpretation of the Book of Abraham or whatever - my testimony is not based on today's scientific evidence or my respect for another human being or consistency of actions. I believe because I continue to have a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father. I pray and feel his answer. So don't be sad if you can't convince me with your words and graphs and expert opinion. For me there is only one expert opinion that counts, and that is the hand of God in my life.