Sunday, May 20, 2012

There with the Grace of God

This week I will write about the little-g grace of God.  The little ways he blesses our lives.

A year or so ago a speaker at the LDS church's general conference told a story of biking home to work and praying to find a quarter so he could buy himself a piece of chicken.  He wasn't starving, had food in his home, but he had a long, hard day at work and thought a piece of chicken would make him a happier person for his family when he got home.  And just as he got to the chicken store he found a quarter on the side walk and was able to buy himself a piece of fried chicken.

When I heard this story I thought, "What???  That is just weird.  Are we really being encouraged to pray for stuff we don't need just because it will make us happy?"  The more I thought about it over the weeks ahead, the more I began to see the hand of God in my life in small, seemingly insignificant things.

The meeting that got canceled and I was able to make a night out with friends that I thought I would miss.    The parking spot in the convenient garage where I always look but there is never a spot.  Free tickets to a baseball game so I can treat my kids to something fun.  Finding those cool pens I thought I lost.  All green lights when I'm late to pick someone up.
The transmission in my van dying so I had to buy a new van and this one seats 8 passengers just before I was called into the YW presidency and will have to start driving lots of youth to events ... OK, I haven't decided if that is a blessing or just a forced preparation.

Most of the time I call it luck, or karma  or statistical anomalies.  But sometimes, when I look in my heart, I feel the love of God telling me that it was a little blessing to show he loves and cares for me.