Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It takes time...

You know how I wrote that post about how the body heals itself?  And how miserable the radiation treatment's were?  Well, the treatments are all done for 2 months and the recovery is happening.  S-l-o-w-l-y.  He is talking well (I think).  Able to drink some by mouth and swallow medications rather than having to use the PEG tube for everything.  Walking without pain or walker.

As a physician I knew that progressive illnesses take a decline-plateau-decline-plateau pattern as they worsen.  I hadn't considered that healing takes the same pattern but in reverse: improve-plateau-improve-plateau.  But that is what is happening.  The improvement is great.  The plateau is freaky because it makes you wonder, "Is this it?  Is this as good as it gets??"

Statistics I have read say that only half of people feel back to normal 6 months after they end radiation and chemo.  This is reassuring since Brian is only 2 months out from treatment.  We will continue to watch and see how long the healing takes.


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