Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why I Will Not Phone in Antibiotics

Dear Parent on the other end of the phone,

I am so sorry that your child is not feeling well and you are leaving on vacation tomorrow/out of town/can't afford another copayment/sick of coming in to the office.  I realize that having a miserable/feverish child makes your life hard and makes you feel stressed.  I know that you are sure the ear pain/sore throat/pain with peeing must be an ear infection/case of strep/urinary tract infection.  And I know you are very unhappy that I will not phone in a prescription for antibiotics for you.

Unfortunately not ever fever and ear pain is an ear infection - many of these kids have normal looking and functioning ear drums when I examine them in the office.  Most of the sore throats we see do not test positive for strep.  Most of the pain with peeing in young children is not a urinary tract infection.

I will not prescribe an antibiotic "just in case".  This makes your child more likely to have bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics that we commonly use to treat infections.  And what if your child has a reaction to the medication?  Aside from a bad allergy, getting diarrhea or a yeast infection or a rash is still not a pleasant thing from a medication your child didn't need in the first place.

There is also the possibility that your child really has a bacterial infection and needs an antibiotic - it just isn't the infection you think.  What if that ear pain is a swimmers ear rather than a middle ear infection?  What if the ear pain is caused by a strep throat infection?  What if that pain with urination in your teen is a sexually transmitted infection, not a urinary tract infection?  I can only tell by talking to and examining the child.

I am sorry that your employer has contracted for a high co-payment insurance plan, or your insurance company doesn't cover out-of-area care.  I am happy to speak to you and problem solve, to suggest over the counter medications and other ways to make your child feel better.  I will even advocate for you with your insurance company the best I can.  But I will not phone in antibiotics.

I am used to the anger, the pleading, the threats to file a complaint.  I will try hard to be patient when I talk to you on the phone.  But I will not compromise my standards of giving your child the highest quality medical care I can provide.   If that means I need to examine your child to determine the best course of treatment then I will let you know that.  And I won't back down.

Dr. Beeler


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